1·Furthermore, Must not sell soul to those businessman who got a greedy soul.
2·Those sell soul for money are really poor people, it's the unchanged fact that their poor from deep soul.
3·For 25 years, when people have asked me for career advice, what I always tell them is don't give up what you have inside. Never sell your soul?
4·His family was unimpressed: his mother wept at his decision to "sell his soul to foreign devils", while an uncle ordered him to change his name, to avoid further disgracing the clan.
5·They've even tried to sell their soul.
6·Teach him to sell his strength and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.
7·It's almost impossible to get to the very, very top and not essentially sell your soul to get that power at the expense of lover-relationships, and stable marriages, and stable families.
8·"People would sell their soul to the devil," an officer said.
9·It might be too late and maybe Nokia had to sell their soul, who knows, but I respect any one who goes down swinging.
10·I would seriously sell my soul for that laundry space.